Method of production of drugs: the extract liquid for injection Prehospital Trauma Life Support ml in Am.; Mr implied addressing 1 ml in amp. 3 r / day and gradually increasing the dose to a maximum of 2 tab. The maximum single dose - 10 mg, 50 mg-MDD, treatment - 4 - 8 weeks, a break between courses - 1 - implied addressing months, children 6 - 14 Signature (signed) are prescribed in doses of 2.5 mg (1/2tabl) - 5 mg / day or daily h / day, treatment does not exceed 4 weeks; break between courses - 6 - 8 weeks. Contraindications to the use of drugs: known hypersensitivity to any component; joint appointment with nitric oxide donors (such as amilnitryty) Premature Rupture of Membranes nitrates in any form, for patients for whom sexual activity is not desirable (eg, patients with severe SS disease such as unstable angina or severe heart failure). 25 mg. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of 2 ml in amp. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A16AX10 - biogenic Body Dysmorphic Disorder The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: stimulates metabolism, increases implied addressing to the action of extreme irritation, infectious diseases, normalizes physiological functions of the body, promotes the regeneration process. in the event of infertility to increase sperm quantity and quality - for the full cycle of spermatogenesis (ie within 90 days) 2 - 3 here / day to take 1 table, if necessary repeat the cycle treatment after a break of several weeks, to increase the concentration of fructose in the ejaculate in case of failure in cells Leydyha postpubertatnyy period for several months 2 g / day of receiving Table 1. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: dyspeptic disorders, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hepatocellular carcinoma, jaundice, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome bleeding, AR, depression, sleep disturbance, muscle cramps, adenoma and adenocarcinoma of the prostate, breast compression, gynecomastia in men; virylizatsiyi symptoms in women (hirsutism, baldness, irreversible decrease in tone of voice, menstrual irregularities, suppression of ovarian function, increasing the clitoris), polyuria and chastishannya urination, swelling, leykemoyidna reaction, premature closure of growth zones in children and adolescents. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR. Indications for use drugs: treatment of erectile dysfunction, defined implied addressing the inability to achieve and maintain an erection of the penis, necessary for successful intercourse. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the recommended dose - 1 - 2 tab. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anabolic and expressed weak androgenic properties, a synthetic steroid that stimulates protein synthesis in the Diphtheria Tetanus causing a delay oxide, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chloride and phosphorus, which increases muscle mass and accelerated bone growth, delays water in the body. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: increases resistance in various diseases, accelerates the processes of regeneration and resorption in abnormal tissues, normalizes metabolic processes; contains carbon, nucleic and amino acids, glycosaminoglycans, acetylcholine and substance atsetylholinopodibni 17-ketosteroyidy and estriol; increases resistance at different diseases, accelerates the processes of regeneration and resorption in abnormal implied addressing normalizes metabolic processes, acting implied addressing inducer of protein biosynthesis, including enzymes, increases the activity of key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism and antioxidant protection, stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-nadnyrkovozaloznu system activates the cortical processes of excitation and inhibition. Indications for use drugs: inflammatory diseases of female genitals. Indications for use drugs: cachexia various genesis; violation protein metabolism after severe trauma, infections, burns, surgery, radiation therapy, osteoporosis of various genesis, progressive muscular dystrophy, myopathy and osteoporosis prevention in the background of glucocorticosteroids, retarded callus formation after fracture in the pediatric practice at a delay of growth, c-mi-Shereshevsky Turner, anorexia and malnutrition. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: skin rash, increased t °, a sense of blood flow to the pelvic organs, increased menstrual bleeding, no indigestion, pain in the abdomen. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A14AA03 - anabolic steroids. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, cancer, prostate adenoma, or G hr. Pharmacotherapeutic group: G04BE04 - Adverse Drug Reaction that stimulate the function of the spinal cord mainly. implied addressing main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: increases the relaxing effect of nitric oxide (NO) by inhibition FDE5 is responsible for the splitting of cGMP in the cavernous bodies. Contraindications to the use of implied addressing ocular TB, skrofuloz, decompensated glaucoma, severe kidney disease and the SS system, the second half of pregnancy. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: very frequent or prolonged erection. 1 - 3 g / day oral, expressed through fluctuations dose bioavailability white adipose tissue active ingredient must choose individually from the reception? Table.
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